
Certified Dog Trainer in The Hague - Laure-Anne Viselé - Laure-Anne Viselé is a certified dog trainer in The Hague. She is a dog behaviour therapist using force-free science-based training methods for successful results.

  • Dog-related controversial professional issues: surveys - Polls on controversial issues affecting dog professionals and dog owners today.
  • Dog Writer - Qualified Dog Behaviourist - Laure-Anne Viselé - Dog behaviourist Laure-Anne Viselé is a well-qualified scientific and dog writer. She specializes in dog writing and book reviews.
  • Contact Laure-Anne Viselé - Canis Bonus - Contact Laure-Anne Viselé at Canis Bonus if you have any questions or need advice from a certified dog trainer and behavioural therapist in The Hague.

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.8995 , Netherlands

  • Denise Moses - Real information and Real Results

    I'm a African American female who have personally read and applied the principles described in this book. The information and suggestions are real and have real results. My then husband was overweight, suffered with migraines, on blood pressure medicine, taking pills for acid re-flux. In 7 days of following the suggestions, he lost weight and had to visit his doctor, the same day of the visit come off all meds and experience no more migraines. I am able to make better food choices and able to maintain my weight using some of the information in this book at 53 years old.

  • junipermn - Would be a good product if it was reliable

    Worked really well for a week, then wouldn't work at all. Light came on in base, light in computer end stayed off, and computer didn't charge. Would be a good product if it was reliable.