
The British Journal of Cardiology - The BJC is a unique peer-reviewed publication linking primary and secondary care. Community of UK health professionals from hospitals and general practice.

  • 2016, Volume 23, Issue 3, pages 81–120 | The British Journal of Cardiology - <ul><li>Imaging: seeing the woods from the trees</li><li>Angiography guide for trainees</li><li>Same day pacing</li><li>Cardiology apps</li></ul>

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Jeffrey A. Johnson - Power my spaceship this wouldn't!

    Homesick for planet Dagobah I am. Fuel for my spaceship I need. Bought this product last year I did. (To raise the funds, many years of signing autographs at Geek conferences it took me.) Hundreds of containers I purchased. Melted them I did, fuel rods to make. But, sadly, power my ship they would not. Too low-grade. So for the foreseeable future, stuck here on Earth I remain.

  • Gayle Luna - No results, called for refund, told "four weeks ...

    No results, called for refund, told "four weeks really isn't enough time"; talked into buying another month's worth with the the caveat that I would still get all my money back. Surprise, only refunded for product cost only for second month. Suggest a class action lawsuit. Don't fall for th infomercial.