

BEKO: Inženýring a PLM řešení CATIA, ENOVIA, DEMIA - BEKO engineering: společnost zaměřená na poskytování inženýrských služeb a distribuci PLM řešení CATIA, ENOVIA, DELMIA

  • O nás - Bližší informace o nás, historii, struktuře a aktuální strategii společnosti BEKO Engineering
  • BEKO & Zákazníci - Způsob spolupráce se zákazníky v oblasti konzultací, dodávky a podpory produktů CATIA, ENOVIA a DELMIA,
  • ENOVIA - pro 3D spolupráci - ENOVIA umožňuje inovátorům využívat reálné přednosti datově řízené spolpráce
  • DELMIA - pro digitální výrobu - DELMIA pomáhá v globálním prostředí vylepšovat a realizovat představu o plánování, řízení a optimalizaci výrobních operací
  • Pořádané kurzy a školení - BEKO engineering: providing always "state of the art" technologies and know-how

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • Beth - Didn't work well for me

    I have a regular but very heavy period (always have) and have been looking for an alternative to birth control and putting extra hormones in my body. I have also tried Lysteda, which works very well, but I wanted to try to get away from prescriptions if possible and try an herbal route. Slow flow very slightly reduced my period as soon as I took it, but it quickly got heavy again after about an hour. I also feel as though my cramps were worse while taking this and had just as many clots (if not more). I am going back to Lysteda which didn't work quite as well as birth control for lightening my period, but it is non-hormonal and works well enough.

  • Kimberly D. - just drink water for 48 hrs

    Seriously this is basically a water diet. You will lose weight, Anyone will lose a few pounds in two days without eating and drinking watered down prune juice. This is a job for a diet and a complete waste of your money. If you want to lose weight over a few days drink water, drink tea, have one cup of fruit juice for the sugar intake to keep you alive.